The ABC's Of Worship

Listen to the Devotional Below

The ABC’s Of Worship

Worship may be one of the most misunderstood and under-utilized tools believers have in their day to day walk following Jesus. We often reduce church to a weekly sermon, a quick prayer, or a fleeting moment of reflection. But at the core of our relationship with God lies something far more profound and transformative: worship.

Worship isn't just about singing songs or raising our hands on Sunday mornings. It's a lifestyle, an attitude, and a powerful spiritual practice that can revolutionize our walk with God. Let's explore the depths of what true worship means and how it can change our lives.

In Psalm 145, we find a beautiful acrostic poem that serves as a guide to worship. This carefully crafted Scripture uses each letter of the Hebrew alphabet to start a new line, making it easier to memorize and internalize. It's as if David, the author, is giving us the ABCs of worship – the fundamental principles we need to understand.

As we delve into this sermon, we discover some key truths about worship:

1. Worship requires a sacrifice

2. Worship is a daily practice, not just a Sunday activity

3. Worship is not just a song or a song service - it’s our life and very breath

4. Worship reminds us of God's character – His compassion, grace, and love

5. Worship opens our hearts to receive the Word

6. Worship forces us to admit we’re not in charge - He’s in control 

7. Worship can be alone, but it MUST BE regularly with the saints

8. Worship makes you look up instead of down

9. Worship reminds us because we’re forgetful 

10. Worship requires a physical response

11. Worship isn’t about you - it’s about our King. 

These principles form the foundation of a worshipful life. They remind us that worship is not about our performance or feelings, but about recognizing and responding to who God is.

The Power of Entering In

One of the most transformative aspects of worship is its ability to shift our perspective. When we truly enter into worship, we're stepping into a different realm – the throne room of God. This isn't just poetic language; it's a spiritual reality that can change everything about how we see our lives and circumstances.

Entering into worship requires intentionality. It's not always easy, especially when life's challenges weigh heavily on our hearts. But as we choose to "enter in," something remarkable happens. We begin to see our problems in light of God's greatness. We start to magnify the Lord instead of magnifying our troubles.

Think about it this way: when you use a magnifying glass, the object doesn't actually change size – it just appears larger. In the same way, our problems don't actually grow bigger, but they can consume our vision if that's where we focus. Worship helps us refocus on God's magnitude, making our challenges seem smaller in comparison.

The Physical Side of Spiritual Worship

In our modern, often reserved church culture, we can sometimes forget that worship has a physical component. Throughout scripture, we see examples of people using their bodies to express worship – lifting hands, bowing down, dancing, and more.

This physical expression isn't just for show. It's a powerful way to engage our whole being in the act of worship. When we involve our bodies, we're making a statement with more than just our words. We're saying, "God, I'm all in. Every part of me is devoted to you."

It's interesting to note how freely people express themselves at concerts or sporting events, yet often feel hesitant to do so in church. This disconnect reveals something about our hearts. What fears, insecurities, or misconceptions might be holding us back from fully expressing our worship?

Worship as Spiritual Warfare

Here's a truth that we often overlook: worship is a form of spiritual warfare. When we lift our voices and hearts in praise, we're not just making nice music – we're pushing back the darkness. We're declaring God's kingdom and His victory over evil.

This is why the enemy often tries to discourage or distract us from worship. He knows the power it holds. When we worship, we're reflecting God's image back to Him, and that very act is a threat to the forces of darkness.

The Nearness of God

Perhaps one of the most beautiful promises related to worship is found in Psalm 145:18: "The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." When we worship, we're inviting God's presence into our lives in a tangible way.

This promise is for everyone, regardless of past mistakes or current struggles. God desires to draw near to us. He wants to fulfill our deepest desires, hear our cries, and save us from whatever threatens to overwhelm us.

Putting It Into Practice

So how do we take these truths and apply them to our lives? Here are a few practical steps:

1. Make worship a daily practice, not just a Sunday activity.

2. Challenge yourself to engage physically in worship, even if it feels uncomfortable at first.

3. When facing problems, consciously choose to magnify God instead of your troubles.

4. Use worship as a way to enter God's presence throughout your day.

5. Remember that your life itself can be an act of worship – in how you treat others, do your work, and make decisions.

As we embrace a lifestyle of worship, we'll find that it transforms not just our Sunday mornings, but every aspect of our lives. We'll discover a deeper connection with God, a new perspective on our challenges, and a powerful weapon against the darkness.

Worship isn't just about music or church services. It's about recognizing God's worthiness and responding with our whole selves. It's a sacrifice of praise that costs us something – our pride, our self-consciousness, our need for control – but gives us so much more in return.

So let's commit to entering in, to pushing past our comfort zones, and to pursuing God's presence with everything we have. As we do, we'll find that worship isn't just something we do – it becomes who we are.


Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide for your week:

Day 1: The Goodness of God

Reading: Psalm 145:1-9

Devotional: As we begin this journey deeper into worship, let's focus on the goodness of God. In Psalm 145, David reminds us that "The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love." How often do we forget this fundamental truth about God's character? In our daily struggles, it's easy to feel that God is distant or angry with us. But this Psalm calls us to remember and proclaim God's goodness every day.

Reflect on moments in your life where you've experienced God's goodness. How can you cultivate a habit of praising God for His goodness, even in challenging times? Today, make a conscious effort to "extol" or lift up God's name in everything you do, remembering that worship is not just about singing, but about how we live our lives.


Day 2: Entering God's Presence

Reading: Hebrews 4:14-16

Devotional: The sermon above emphasized the importance of "entering in" to worship, comparing it to boldly approaching God's throne. Hebrews 4 tells us we can "approach God's throne of grace with confidence." This is a stunning invitation, yet many of us hesitate, feeling unworthy or afraid.

Consider what holds you back from fully entering God's presence. Is it shame, fear, or simply habit? Remember, God is not waiting to condemn you, but to embrace you. He is "gracious and compassionate," as we read yesterday. Today, practice "entering in" throughout your day. Whether in formal prayer or simply in your thoughts, approach God boldly, knowing He welcomes you with open arms.


Day 3: Worship as Sacrifice

Reading: Romans 12:1-2

Devotional: The sermon challenged us to see worship not just as something we receive, but as something we give. Romans 12 speaks of offering our bodies as "living sacrifices," which is our "true and proper worship." This echoes the Old Testament practice of bringing sacrifices to the temple, but now we offer ourselves.

What does it mean to offer yourself as a living sacrifice? It's about surrendering control, dedicating your whole self - body, mind, and spirit - to God. Today, identify one area of your life you've been holding back from God. It might be a relationship, a habit, or a fear. Consciously offer this to God as an act of worship, trusting that He will honor your sacrifice.


Day 4: Worship in Community

Reading: Ephesians 5:15-21

Devotional: While personal worship is vital, the sermon reminded us of the power of corporate worship. Ephesians 5 encourages us to "speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit." There's something powerful about joining our voices and hearts together in praise.

Reflect on your experience of corporate worship. How does it differ from your personal worship times? How does it strengthen you? If you've been neglecting gathering with other believers, make a commitment to join in corporate worship this week. If you're already consistent in this, consider how you can more fully engage, perhaps by coming early to prepare your heart or by encouraging someone else in their worship.


Day 5: Worship as Perspective Shift

Reading: Colossians 3:1-4

Devotional: We’ve used the analogy of magnifying God to shift our perspective by realizing what we’re focusing on. Colossians 3 urges us to "set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." This is what worship does - it lifts our eyes from our circumstances to the greatness of God.

Think about what you've been magnifying in your life lately. Has it been your problems, your goals, or God Himself? Today, practice "setting your mind on things above." When faced with a challenge or worry, consciously shift your focus to God's character and promises. How does this change your perspective on your situation? End this devotional series by spending time in praise, magnifying God's attributes and allowing His greatness to put everything else in proper perspective.


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The ABC's Of Worship

Worship may be one of the most misunderstood and under-utilized tools believers have in their day to day walk following Jesus. We often reduce church to a weekly sermon, a quick prayer, or a fleeting moment of reflection. But at the core of our relationship with God lies something far more profound and transformative: worship.

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